Whiskey Antler Camp, Fog, and Focus

Yesterday brought much-needed sunshine and calm waters for the Arctic Cowboys on their Arctic kayaking expedition. After battling fog for the first 18 miles, they finally found relief in clearer skies, sunshine, and calm waters. While winds did pick up over the last 10 miles, the team managed them well and powered through to complete 40.5 miles on the day.

They ended at Whiskey Antler Camp, aptly named for the empty whiskey bottle and abundant caribou antlers continually dotting the shore. A morning routine has set in – alarms at 4 am, breakfast, and coffee first thing, then breaking camp and loading the kayaks. The team then takes off and quickly finds their rhythm. As ultra-long-distance paddlers, West and Jeff take the lead, setting the pace. Over dinner, they discuss plans for the miles ahead, staying flexible through the ever-changing weather.

Staying ahead of the winter weather is the key challenge. But this seasoned team of arctic kayakers leans into each day with focus, embracing the beauty of the Arctic and navigating ahead, mile by mile.

Total: 1072.01 miles       Today:  40.5 miles           Expedition:  1010.01 miles

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