Weathering Ice Flows in Prince Regent Inlet

The Arctic Cowboys paddled 17.5 miles south today cutting through ice flows to land in a cove in hopes of protecting them from a few higher sustained winds and gusts up to 22 mph.  They will stay put for a couple of days since the ice is prevalent across the entire Prince Regent Inlet, as well as higher winds.  We have a plan in place for them to move and cross over to Fury Beach once the ice shifts and the winds die down.

Thankfully, ice breaker ships have been making progress in some inlets, facilitating the movement of ice. This development is vital for the hamlets in the Arctic, as they heavily rely on cruise ships to maintain their commerce and access crucial supplies like fuel and water.

Despite the delays, the team is in high spirits, thoroughly enjoying the expedition. Their camaraderie and cooperation have been essential in facing the challenges together. As seasoned adventurers know, teamwork plays a pivotal role in achieving any expedition’s success.

Photo by: Tom McGuire

Total:  363.01       Expedition:  287.01

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