Titus Allooloo

Titus Allooloo is very skilled at a combination of political leadership, public service, and Arctic survival expertise! He supports the Arctic Cowboys expedition by offering generational insight across the Northwest Passage and works closely with Pond Inlet community members. Titus offers ground support and assembles local teams to help with transport and gear acquisition. Whenever there is a question about the Arctic, ask Titus first!

Allooloo’s involvement in the creation of the Nunavut territory showcases his dedication to public service and his ability to advocate for important causes. Moreover, his expertise in Arctic survival and his role with the Canadian Rangers underlines his deep knowledge of the harsh Arctic environment. His ability to monitor ships and aircraft, teach survival skills, and contribute to search and rescue efforts demonstrates his proficiency in operating effectively in challenging conditions and passing on essential knowledge to others.

A quick google search about Titus will make it obvious why he is a very important member of The Arctic Cowboys team.

Titus Allooloo

He is used to hard work and persevering through difficult times, and has a track record of successful expeditions.

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