Kayaking through Rock Tunnels: Arctic Cowboys’ Expedition Update

The Arctic Cowboys embarked on another day of their epic expedition, greeted by the breathtakingly glassy serene waters of Darnley Bay reflecting the clear blue sky above. Calm winds whispered promises of progress, motivating the team as they drew nearer to the elusive finish line.

Their kayaks glided gracefully through colossal rock tunnels at Cape Lyons and Pearce Harbor, revealing nature’s grandeur in all its glory. The team found themselves captivated by the sheer beauty of their surroundings.

Yet, the Arctic can be unforgiving, and the weather still poses challenges. The team pushed forward, racing to stay ahead of stronger winds that loomed on the horizon. The next few days will be decisive, determining whether their journey will extend for 5-6 more days or, contingent on weather conditions, possibly stretch to 8-9 more days.

Barbara Sheila Arctic Cowboys Crossing into Canada
Meanwhile, Sheila and Barbara, covering more miles on the road than the team has paddled, crossed the Canadian border at Portal. Sheila couldn’t resist her first visit to a Duty-Free shop on the U.S. side. Our route was lined with endless sunflower and soybean fields, a stark contrast to the Arctic’s icy expanse. Our Alaska-bound friends were nowhere in sight, and we realized it was time to adapt to kilometers and liters.

On our Google list today, we checked into how are sunflowers harvested.  We read a vague description but not down to the nitty gritty.  We are still delving into that.  Every store in the area sold HUGE bags of sunflower seeds.

Why are there trees in a straight line just randomly situated?  These random lines are off in a field, not just around a house.  It’s really odd.

Why are haybales left out in the field after baling?  They appear to be rotting but we read differently.

Last, in Kenmare, Canada, why are there very large class years embedded in the side of the hills surrounding the city?  This was very cool!  In some cases, they included if they won State Championships.

Total:  1489.41 miles       Today:  36.4 miles           Expedition:  1432.41 miles

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